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Supersense: Sixth Sense  (1988)

Filming an imprinted starling from a car for Supersense

The first of six episodes in the Supersense series, Sixth Sense journeys through the world's open plains, grasslands, ponds, rivers and oceans, providing a comprehensive and intriguing exploration of animal senses.

Award-winning cameraman John Downer employs a number of innovative filming techniques to shed light on this fascinating topic. By superimposing computer effects over animal footage, the extraordinary world of animal perception is brought to life. Rats appear red as snakes lock-in on their position using infra-red sensing, we 'see' the electrical impulses emitted as a platypus locates its prey, and contour lines arc along the sea bed indicating the magnetic fields dolphins use for navigation.

Widely acclaimed for its stunning special effects, Supersense is classed as one of the most innovative and visually arresting representations of an animal's point of view.

Copyright holder

Copyright Holder: BBC - Natural History Unit
Address: c/o BBC Motion Gallery
Room E251
80 Wood Lane
W12 0TT
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8433 2861 / 2
Email: [email protected]

Film credits

Assistant Producer: Mark Jacobs
Assistant Producer: Nigel Marven
Associated Broadcaster: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
Associated Broadcaster: Coronet Films
Dubbing Mixer: Peter Hicks
Film Editor: Peter Brownlee
Music: Paul Hardcastle
Narrator: Andrew Sachs
Photography: Martin Dohrn
Photography: Jeff Goodman
Photography: Alan Hayward
Photography: David Parer
Photography: Rick Price
Photography: Mike Richards
Photography: Gavin Thurston
Producer: John Downer
Production Assistant: Liz Appleby
Production Organisation: BBC - Natural History Unit
Research: Rupert Barrington
Research: Andrew Kitchener
Sound: Ann Tearle
Sound: Mary Whitby-James
Sound: Andrew Wilson
Title Design: Bob Cosford
Visual Effects: Dave Jervis
Visual Effects: Andrew Mead
VT (video tape) Editor: David Channing
Writer: John Downer

Related links

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