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Sea of Slaughter  (1989)

Wessex Water award for conservation, 1990

Sea of Slaughter, based on Farley Mowat's best-selling book of the same name, documents five hundred years of greed, waste and bloodshed that has resulted in the destruction of wildlife on Canada's eastern seaboard.  The first European explorers encountered a virgin paradise, teeming with vast populations of seals, whales, seabirds, walrus and fish - thought to be inexhaustible and now devastated by man's exploitation.  It is a story that continues to this day (1990).

Winner of Wessex Water conservation award at the Wildscreen Film Festival "Golden Panda" awards ceremony, 1990

Film credits

Camera: Rudolf Kovanic
Camera: Paul Atkins
Camera: Rick Rosenthal
Camera: Bora Merdsoy
Camera: John Brett
Camera: Neville Ottey
Camera: G. Van Ryckevorsel
Camera: A. Binnington
Director: John Brett
Editor: David Murray
Executive Producer: James (Jim) Murray
Music: Michael Conway Baker
Narrator: Farley Mowat
Producer: John Brett
Production Organisation: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Script: William Whitehead
Script: Farley Mowat
Script: John Brett
Sound: Bob Jones
Wildscreen "Wessex Water Award for Conse...
Wessex Water award for conservation, 1990
Wessex Water award for conservation, 1990