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The Harp Seal  (1981)

The Harp seal is an animal superbly fitted to life in the icy waters of the North-west Atlantic.  The film starts with some unique footage of birth in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and then follows the seal through nursing, weaning and moulting to its eventual northward migration.  The annual seal hunt which has been tradition since the early 19th century is mentioned, however, the film points out that the greatest threat o Harp seal numbers is not the hunt but an uncertain food supply.

Film credits

Editor: Ray Pollard
Narrator: William Whitehead
Photography: Norman Lightfoot
Post Production: Ray Pollard
Producer: The Office for Educational Practice, Canada
Production Organisation: The Office for Educational Practice, Canada
Sound: Keith Ronald
Sound: Ray Pollard
Sound: Norman Lightfoot
Sound: Jack Terhune
Subject Specialist: Keith Ronald
Underwater Photography: Rick Mason