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Under the Caribbean (1954)

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The first underwater footage of sperm whales

Copyright holder

Copyright Holder: POLARFILM

Film credits

Camera: Hans Hass
Camera: Irmen Tschet
Camera: Jimmy Hodges
Commentary: Hans Hass
Director: Hans Hass
Music: Arthur Benjamin
Presenter: Lotte Hass
Producer: Hans Hass
Writer: Hans Hass
The first underwater footage of sperm whales
The first underwater footage of sperm wh...
Preparing to dive with sharks
Preparing to dive with sharks
Hans Hass while filming for Unternehmen Xarifa
Hans Hass while filming for Unternehmen Xarifa
Filming for Unternehmen Xarifa
Filming for Unternehmen Xarifa
Hans and Lotte Hass while filming for Unternehmen Xarifa
Hans and Lotte Hass while filming for Unternehmen...
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British advert for Unternehmen Xarifa (Under...