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Wildlife on One (1977 - 2005): The Impossible Bird  (1981)


The Ostrich!  It's a freak that can't fly but it can run at 40 miles an hour.  It's the world's largest bird - 9 fet tall and it lays an egg equal to 20 hens' eggs and can kick a man to death.  It is supposed to bury its head in the sand - but does it?  This film of the ostrich probes the remarkable world of this most unlikely bird and comes up with some fascinating answers.  Winner of the best "Camerawork Award" at the Wildscreen Film Festival "Panda Awards" ceremony in 1982

Film credits

Camera: Hugh Miles
Director: Hugh Miles
Dubbing: Peter Copeland
Editor: Jim Cryan
Narrator: David Attenborough
Producer: Richard Brock
Production Organisation: BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
Script: Richard Brock

Related links

Wildscreen Panda Awards 1982 (1982)
Wildscreen "Camera" Award, 1982
Hugh Miles at Wildscreen, 1982
Hugh Miles at Wildscreen, 1982