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Lotte Hass 

Lotte Hass

Lotte Baierl's interest in the underwater world first materialised on taking up the position as secretary to Hans Hass in 1943. However, Hans was unwilling to take Lotte on his research and filming expeditions, so, unbeknown to Hans, Lotte learnt to dive and take underwater photographs herself, in order to persuade Hans to take her on his expeditions. Borrowing Hans' camera whilst he was away lecturing, Lotte took images of fish in the Danube river which were published in an Austrian magazine, and soon Lotte became an established and accomplished underwater photographer in her own right.

In 1950, Lotte joined Hans' Red Sea expedition to shoot the Oscar winning feature film Under the Red Sea, and the two married on their return. One of the first underwater models, Lotte appeared in many of Hans' films and her appearances in only a swimsuit were said to be influential in the decisions as to when the films were screened and to their success.

Hans and Lotte co-produced and co-wrote many films and books documenting their adventures aboard their research vessel Xarifa, and in 1970 Lotte published Girl on the Ocean Floor, an account of her diving adventures with Hans.

Oral History

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WildFilmHistory Films

film-smallUnder the Red Sea (1952)Presenter 
film-smallUnder the Caribbean (1954)Presenter 
film-smallDiving to Adventure: In the Aegean (1956)Presenter 
Hans and Lotte Hass in diving gear for Diving to Adventure
Hans and Lotte Hass in diving gear for Diving...
Left to Right: Hans Hass, Michaela Denis, Lotte Hass and Armand Denis
Left to Right: Hans Hass, Michaela Denis,...
Hans and Lotte Hass filming along the seabed for Adventure: Hans and Lotte Hass
Hans and Lotte Hass filming along the seabed...
Hass and Lotte Hass filming small crabs on the beach
Hass and Lotte Hass filming small crabs on...
Hans and Lotte Hass
Hans and Lotte Hass
Hans and Lotte Hass
Hans and Lotte Hass
Lotte Hass
Lotte Hass
Hans and Lotte Hass while filming for Unternehmen Xarifa
Hans and Lotte Hass while filming for Unternehmen...
British advert for Unternehmen Xarifa (Under the Caribbean)
British advert for Unternehmen Xarifa (Under...
Hans and Lotte Hass filming underwater
Hans and Lotte Hass filming underwater
Hans and Lotte Hass at the BBC
Hans and Lotte Hass at the BBC