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Mike Hay

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Chapter 7:The decline of Survival

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Interview details

Location:  Northamptonshire, UK
Date:  18 September 2006
 Download PDF Transcription


Interviewer: Jeffery Hugh Richard Boswall
Cameraman: Bob Prince
Interviewee: Mike Hay
Copyright Holder: Wildscreen


1. The early years – first job
2. Joining Survival
3. Early Survival programmes and Aubrey Buxton
4. Mike's role at Survival
5. Working with filming partnerships – ‘Zoosome twosomes’
6. Budgeting and managing camera teams and their rushes
7. The decline of Survival
8. The establishment of the Wildscreen Festival
9. Survival's move to Norwich
10. Famous narrators
11. The worst and best natural history programmes
12. Current output
13. Aubrey Buxton
14. Advice for a young person wanting a career in wildlife television
15. Funniest wildlife film story, favourite species and the people Mike was most pleased to have met
16. Oral histories that should be filmed

Related links

Animals in Action : Tails (1980)
The early years – first job
1: The early years – first job
Joining Survival
2: Joining Survival
Early Survival programmes and Aubrey Buxton
3: Early Survival programmes and Aubrey Bux...
Mike's role at Survival
4: Mike's role at Survival
Working with filming partnerships – ‘Zoosome twosomes’
5: Working with filming partnerships – ‘Zoo...
Budgeting and managing camera teams and their rushes
6: Budgeting and managing camera teams and ...
The decline of Survival
7: The decline of Survival
The establishment of the Wildscreen Festival
8: The establishment of the Wildscreen Fest...
Survival's move to Norwich
9: Survival's move to Norwich
Famous narrators
10: Famous narrators
The worst and best natural history programmes
11: The worst and best natural history progr...
Current output
12: Current output
Aubrey Buxton
13: Aubrey Buxton
Advice for a young person wanting a career in wildlife television
14: Advice for a young person wanting a care...
Funniest wildlife film story, favourite species and the people Mike was most pleased to have met
15: Funniest wildlife film story, favourite ...
Oral histories that should be filmed
16: Oral histories that should be filmed