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Michael Rosenberg

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Chapter 11:Reflections on Seasons of the Sea

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Interview details

Location:  Bristol, UK
Date:  7 May 2002
 Download PDF Transcription


Interviewee: Michael Rosenberg
Interviewer: Michael Bright
Copyright Holder: Wildscreen


1. The early years
2. The history of Partridge Films
3. Reflections on Partridge Films
4. The making of the Partridge programmes
5. The change in the marketplace and wildlife films
6. Mike’s best films and their effect on audiences
7. Beautiful pictures and the importance of music
8. The Partridge Films archive
9. Returning to South Africa
10. ARKive
11. Reflections on Seasons of the Sea

Related links

Islands in the African Sky (1994)
Seasons of the Sea (1990)
Alien Empire: Hardware (1996)
Howard Hall
Jennie Muskett
The early years
1: The early years
The history of Partridge Films
2: The history of Partridge Films
Reflections on Partridge Films
3: Reflections on Partridge Films
The making of the Partridge programmes
4: The making of the Partridge programmes
The change in the marketplace and wildlife films
5: The change in the marketplace and wildli...
Mike’s best films and their effect on audiences
6: Mike’s best films and their effect on au...
Beautiful pictures and the importance of music
7: Beautiful pictures and the importance of...
The Partridge Films archive
8: The Partridge Films archive
Returning to South Africa
9: Returning to South Africa
10: ARKive
Reflections on Seasons of the Sea
11: Reflections on Seasons of the Sea