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Michael Rosenberg 

Michael Rosenberg

One of the most famous filmmakers of recent years and the founder of the world renowned Partridge Films, Michael (Mike) Rosenberg was brought up on a farm in South Africa. With his home bordering Kruger National Park, and encouraged by his father, Mike spent his childhood photographing and filming the area's abundant wildlife.

Moving to England in 1962, he initially began studying chemical engineering but realising photography was his true passion, switched courses and gained a degree in photographic technology. On its completion he started work as an assistant film editor for Allegro films, working on documentaries about classical music.

In the late 1960s he applied to the BBC and ended up as an assistant editor on programmes such as Tomorrow's World and Horizon. When his father became involved with conservation in Israel, Mike made Wildlife in the Holy Land, the first film he sold to the BBC, which was broadcast as part of the The World About Us in 1974. The same year Mike set up Partridge Films, a company which built a reputation for releasing high quality wildlife productions.

As well as producing numerous films for the BBC's The Natural World and The World About Us strands, Mike began work on a six part series for Channel 4's Fragile Earth in 1982. Consisting of some of his best known work, the series included Korup - An African Rainforest (1982), Siarau - The Tidal Forest (1983) and Selve Verde - Central American Rainforest (1983), all Wildscreen Panda winners.

During his long career, Mike has won more Wildscreen Golden Panda Awards than any other filmmaker, and has also been awarded two Emmys and the Queen's Award for Export Achievement. Over his hugely successful career, Mike has made hundreds of films and lists his most memorable as Namib… Strange Creatures of the Skeleton Coast (1976), Siarau - The Tidal Forest (1983), The Otters of Yellowstone (1998) and Seasons of the Sea (1990).

In 1996 he sold his share in Partridge Films and now lives in South Africa. Having established a new filmmaking company, Peartree Films, Mike currently has several projects in production.

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WildFilmHistory Films

film-smallThe World About Us (1967 - 1987): Wildlife in the Holy Land (1974)Copyright Holder,
film-smallThe World About Us (1967 - 1987): Okavango (1975)Director,
Copyright Holder 
film-smallNamib... Strange Creatures of the Skeleton Coast (1976)Producer 
film-smallAmate: The Great Fig Tree (1980)Producer 
film-smallFragile Earth: Korup - An African Rainforest (1982)Producer 
film-smallKalahari - Wilderness without water (1983)Producer 
film-smallFragile Earth: Selve Verde - Central American Rainforest (1983)Producer,
Executive Producer 
film-smallFragile Earth: Siarau - The Tidal Forest (1983)Producer,
Executive Producer 
film-smallWhere fish stand in line: A cleaning station in the coral reef (1983)Producer 
film-smallPath of the Rain God (1985)Producer 
film-smallThe Natural World (BBC 1983 - 2012): Okavango: Jewel of the Kalahari: Search for the Jewel (1987)Producer 
film-smallThe Natural World (BBC 1983 - 2012): Okavango: The Living Jewel (1987)Producer 
film-smallThe Singing Apes of Kao Yai (1989)Producer 
film-smallSeasons of the Sea (1990)Post Production Supervisor 
film-smallYear of the Flame Bird (1990)Executive Producer 
film-smallLand of Giants (1992)Executive Producer 
film-smallCheetahs and Cubs in a Land of Lions (1993)Executive Producer 
film-smallThe Savage Paradise : Cheetahs – The Blood Brothers (1993)Executive Producer 
film-smallShadows in a Desert Sea (1993)Executive Producer 
film-smallThe Savage Paradise : Wild Dogs - A Tale of Two Sisters (1993)Executive Producer 
film-smallIslands in the African Sky (1994)Executive Producer 
film-smallJewels of the Caribbean Sea (1994)Creative Consultant 
film-smallFifi's Boys - A Story of Wild Chimpanzees (1996)Executive Producer 
film-smallA Lemur's Tale (1997)Executive Producer 
film-smallThe Otters of Yellowstone (1998)Supervising Producer,
Executive Producer 
film-smallThe Ten Deadliest Snakes in the World with Steve Irwin (1998)Executive Producer 
film-smallThe River Wolves: Giant Otters of Peru (1999)Executive Producer 
film-smallThe Tiger's Tale (2000)Executive Producer 
Michael Rosenberg
Michael Rosenberg
"The Singing Apes of Khao Yai" wins an award,...