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Robin Hellier

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Chapter 2:Working with People and Animals

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Interview details

Location:  Bristol, United Kingdom
Date:  15 June 2007
 Download PDF Transcription


Interviewee: Robin Hellier
Interviewer: Brian Leith
Camera operator: Bob Prince
Copyright Holder: Wildscreen


1. The early years
2. Working with people and animals
3. The changing industry
4. Memorable achievements and collaborations
5. Presenters
6. Favourite wildlife films
7. The future of the wildlife filmmaking industry
8. Environmental filmmaking
9. Reflections on a career at the BBC Natural History Unit
10. Forming the modern Natural History Unit

Related links

Animal Magic (1962-1984): Programme 4 (1962)
Diving to Adventure: In the Aegean (1956)
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The early years
1: The early years
Working with people and animals
2: Working with people and animals
The changing industry
3: The changing industry
Memorable achievements and collaborations
4: Memorable achievements and collaboration...
5: Presenters
Favourite wildlife films
6: Favourite wildlife films
The future of the wildlife filmmaking industry
7: The future of the wildlife filmmaking in...
Environmental filmmaking
8: Environmental filmmaking
Reflections on a career at the BBC Natural History Unit
9: Reflections on a career at the BBC Natur...
Forming the modern Natural History Unit
10: Forming the modern Natural History Unit