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John Sparks

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Chapter 4:Life on Earth

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Interview details

Location:  Bristol, UK
Date:  11 July 2008
 Download PDF Transcription


Interviewee: John Sparks
Interviewer: Brian Leith
Camera operator: Bob Prince
Technical Fascilities: Panasonic


1. The early years
2. Joining the BBC and working in radio
3. Early filmmaking experiences and influences
4. Life on Earth
5. Filming gorillas
6. Environmental filmmaking and becoming the head of the NHU
7. Reflections on natural history output

Related links

Life on Earth: Life in the Trees (1979)
The Living Planet: New Worlds (1984)
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David Attenborough
Lyndon Bird
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The early years
1: The early years
Joining the BBC and working in radio
2: Joining the BBC and working in radio
Early filmmaking experiences and influences
3: Early filmmaking experiences and influen...
Life on Earth
4: Life on Earth
Filming gorillas
5: Filming gorillas
Environmental filmmaking and becoming the head of the NHU
6: Environmental filmmaking and becoming th...
Reflections on natural history output
7: Reflections on natural history output