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John F. Burton

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Chapter 2:Before the BBC

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Interview details

Location:  Gloucestershire, UK
Date:  3 May 2001
 Download PDF Transcription


Interviewer: Christopher Parsons
Interviewee: John F. Burton
Cameraman: Bob Prince
Copyright Holder: Wildscreen


1. Developing an interest in natural history
2. Before the BBC
3. Joining the BBC
4. Building up the BBC’s sound recordings library
5. Producing Sounds Natural
6. Early BBC contributors and more Sounds Natural stories
7. Recording techniques

Related links

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Developing an interest in natural history
1: Developing an interest in natural histor...
Before the BBC
2: Before the BBC
Joining the BBC
3: Joining the BBC
Building up the BBC’s sound recordings library
4: Building up the BBC’s sound recordings l...
Producing Sounds Natural
5: Producing Sounds Natural
Early BBC contributors and more Sounds Natural stories
6: Early BBC contributors and more Sounds N...
Recording techniques
7: Recording techniques