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Martyn Colbeck

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Chapter 9:Filming chimpanzees

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Interview details

Location:  Bristol, UK
Date:  4 December 1909
 Download PDF Transcription


Interviewer: Brian Leith
Interviewee: Martyn Colbeck
Cameraman: Bob Prince
Copyright Holder: Wildscreen


1. The early years
2. London Scientific Films
3. Going freelance
4. Meeting Echo
5. Animal Behaviour
6. The cameraman’s responsibilities
7. Anthropomorphism
8. The future for Africa’s wildlife
9. Filming chimpanzees
10. Wildlife feature film
11. Personal reflections

Related links

Alastair Fothergill
The early years
1: The early years
London Scientific Films
2: London Scientific Films
Going freelance
3: Going freelance
Meeting Echo
4: Meeting Echo
Animal Behaviour
5: Animal Behaviour
The cameraman’s responsibilities
6: The cameraman’s responsibilities
7: Anthropomorphism
The future for Africa’s wildlife
8: The future for Africa’s wildlife
Filming chimpanzees
9: Filming chimpanzees
Wildlife feature film
10: Wildlife feature film
Personal reflections
11: Personal reflections