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Robin Brown

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Chapter 6:Mauritius

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Interview details

Location:  Chalford, Gloucestershire
Date:  29 June 2010
 Download PDF Transcription


Interviewee: Robin Brown
Interviewer: Julian Pettifer
Cameraman: Bob Prince


1. The early years
2. The beginnings of a career in television
3. Influences
4. Reflections
5. Nature Watch
6. Mauritius
7. Konrad Lorenz
8. Sharks and whales
9. The future of wildlife film
10. Admiration
The early years
1: The early years
The beginnings of a career in television
2: The beginnings of a career in television
3: Influences
4: Reflections
Nature Watch
5: Nature Watch
6: Mauritius
Konrad Lorenz
7: Konrad Lorenz
Sharks and whales
8: Sharks and whales
The future of wildlife film
9: The future of wildlife film
10: Admiration