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Edward Williams

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Chapter 8:The invention of the Soundbeam

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Interview details

Location:  Bristol, UK
Date:  8 February 2007
 Download PDF Transcription


Interviewee: Edward Williams
Interviewer: Martin Kiszko
Cameraman: Bob Prince
Copyright Holder: Wildscreen


1. The early years - how Edward became interested in natural history and how he broke into composing music for film
2. Edward’s first natural history film scores
3. The score for Life on Earth
4. People Edward has worked with
5. Controversial incidents
6. Animals and people Edward has enjoyed composing music for and views on current output
7. Advice to young composers
8. The invention of the Soundbeam
The early years - how Edward became interested in natural history and how he broke into composing music for film
1: The early years - how Edward became inte...
Edward’s first natural history film scores
2: Edward’s first natural history film scor...
The score for Life on Earth
3: The score for Life on Earth
People Edward has worked with
4: People Edward has worked with
Controversial incidents
5: Controversial incidents
Animals and people Edward has enjoyed composing music for and views on current output
6: Animals and people Edward has enjoyed co...
Advice to young composers
7: Advice to young composers
The invention of the Soundbeam
8: The invention of the Soundbeam