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Elizabeth Parer-Cook 

Elizabeth Parer-Cook involved in production of The Kiwai: Dugong Hunters of Daru

WildFilmHistory Films

film-smallThe Kiwai: Dugong hunters of Daru (1983)Sound 
film-smallThe Natural World (BBC 1983 - 2012): The Man Who Loves Frogs (1985)Sound 
film-smallKiller Whales: Wolves of the Sea (1993)Producer,
film-smallMysteries of the Ocean Wanderers (1994)Producer,
David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook at Wildscreen, 1994
David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook at Wildscreen,...
Elizabeth Parer-Cook sound recording for The Elusive Mermaid
Elizabeth Parer-Cook sound recording for...
Elizabeth Parer-Cook recording for The Elusive Mermaid
Elizabeth Parer-Cook recording for The Elusive...
Elizabeth Parer-Cook recording for The Kiwai: Dugong Hunters of Daru
Elizabeth Parer-Cook recording for The Kiwai:...
Elizabeth Parer-Cook involved in production of The Kiwai: Dugong Hunters of Daru
Elizabeth Parer-Cook involved in production...
David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook
David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook
Elizabeth Parer-Cook recordng for Douglas Mawson: The Survivor
Elizabeth Parer-Cook recordng for Douglas...
Elizabeth Parer-Cook during making of Douglas Mawson: The Survivor
Elizabeth Parer-Cook during making of Douglas...
Elizabeth Parer-Cook reocrding for Douglas Mawson: The Survivor
Elizabeth Parer-Cook reocrding for Douglas...
Camp used in filming of Douglas Mawson: The Survivor
Camp used in filming of Douglas Mawson: The...
Elizabeth Parer-Cook photographing little bent-winged bat colony in mine shaft
Elizabeth Parer-Cook photographing little...
David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook filming corals
David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook filming...
Field tents on Dirk Hartog Island
Field tents on Dirk Hartog Island
Cataloguing sound tapes
Cataloguing sound tapes
Polar plateau: Re-enactment
Polar plateau: Re-enactment
Sound recording on polar plateau
Sound recording on polar plateau
Matchie's Tree Kangaroo
Matchie's Tree Kangaroo
Long Beaked Echidna
Long Beaked Echidna
Packing for overseas trip
Packing for overseas trip
Second camera
Second camera
Operating underwater camera
Operating underwater camera
Recording sound
Recording sound
recording flightless cormorants
recording flightless cormorants
Recording vampire finches and boobies
Recording vampire finches and boobies
Production team
Production team
Production Team 2
Production Team 2
With Tasmanian Devil
With Tasmanian Devil