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Mark Lamble 

Mark Lamble filming near the floodplains.

WildFilmHistory Films

film-smallThe Big Wet (1994)Photography 
Mark Lamble filming on the Arnhem escarpment.
Mark Lamble filming on the Arnhem escarpment.
Mark Lamble on the Arnhem escarpment.
Mark Lamble on the Arnhem escarpment.
Mark Lamble filming rainstorm on the floodplains
Mark Lamble filming rainstorm on the floodplains
Mark Lamble filming near the floodplains.
Mark Lamble filming near the floodplains.
Mark Lamble filming rainstorm on the floodplains
Mark Lamble filming rainstorm on the floodplains
Jeremy Hogarth (Director) with Mark Lamble filming time-lapse on the Arnhem escarpment.
Jeremy Hogarth (Director) with Mark Lamble...
Mark Lamble on the Arhem escarpment
Mark Lamble on the Arhem escarpment
Mark Lamble after filming orange horse-shoe bats
Mark Lamble after filming orange horse-shoe...