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Underwater Stalking (1939)

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Coral cities of the Caribbean

Copyright holder

Copyright Holder: POLARFILM

Film credits

Camera: Karl Kurzmayer
Cameraman: Hans Hass
Director: Rudolf Schaad
Music: Frederich Witeschnik
Presenter: Hans Hass
Presenter: Alfred Wurzian
Presenter: Jörg Bohler
Coral cities of the Caribbean
Coral cities of the Caribbean
Hans Hass while filming for Pirsch Unter Wasser
Hans Hass while filming for Pirsch Unter...
Hans Hass filming for Pirsch Unter Wasser
Hans Hass filming for Pirsch Unter Wasser
Hans Hass underwater while filming for Pirsch Unter Wasser
Hans Hass underwater while filming for Pirsch...
Hans Hass underwater for Pirsch Unter Wasser
Hans Hass underwater for Pirsch Unter Wasser