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Carol Hughes

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Chapter 2:Turtle trials

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Interview details

Location:  Assen National Reserve
Date:  6 August 2010
 Download PDF Transcription


Interviewee: Carol Hughes
Interviewer: Keith Begg
Cameraman: Colleen Begg
Copyright Holder: Wildscreen


1. The early years
2. Turtle trials
3. Okavango adventures
4. Out of Africa
5. The ape man
6. Smaller game
7. Wildlife filming today

Related links

The World About Us (1967 - 1987): The Great Turtle Mystery (1975)
Namib... Strange Creatures of the Skeleton Coast (1976)
Carol Hughes
Christopher Parsons
David Hughes
Hugh Maynard
Michael Rosenberg
Ned Kelly
The early years
1: The early years
Turtle trials
2: Turtle trials
Okavango adventures
3: Okavango adventures
Out of Africa
4: Out of Africa
The ape man
5: The ape man
Smaller game
6: Smaller game
Wildlife filming today
7: Wildlife filming today