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Phil Agland 

Phil Agland

A renowned director, producer and cameraman, Phil Agland has been responsible for a number of critically acclaimed natural history documentaries.

Phil’s flair for wildlife filmmaking became evident in the early 1980s with his impressive trilogy of films for Channel 4’s Fragile Earth series. Working with Partridge Films, Phil focused on the forests of the world, filming in Cameroon, Costa Rica and Borneo for Korup – An African Rainforest (1982), Selve Verde – A Central American Rainforest (1983) and Siarau – The Tidal Forest (1983) respectively.

Known for his complete commitment, Phil spent five years filming for Korup – An African Rainforest, on specially built platforms, 120 feet up in the forest canopy. Similar dedication went into the following two productions and all three films won Panda Awards at the Wildscreen Festival (in 1982 and 1984).

In the late 1980s, Phil undertook a number of studies on the Baka pygmy population of South East Cameroon, including 1987’s Baka: People of the Rainforest which earned him a BAFTA TV Award for camerawork. Phil continued his success with the release of the multi award-winning Channel 4 documentary series Beyond the Clouds (1994). Chronicling life in a small Chinese town, the series was followed by Shanghai Vice in 1999, this time examining urban life.

Phil has also directed dramatic pieces, releasing an adaptation of Thomas Hardy's novel The Woodlanders in 1997.

WildFilmHistory Films

film-smallFragile Earth: Korup - An African Rainforest (1982)Writer,
film-smallKalahari - Wilderness without water (1983)Director,
film-smallFragile Earth: Selve Verde - Central American Rainforest (1983)Writer,
film-smallFragile Earth: Siarau - The Tidal Forest (1983)Writer,
film-smallWhere fish stand in line: A cleaning station in the coral reef (1983)Director,
Phil Agland
Phil Agland
Phil Agland filming in tree
Phil Agland filming in tree